Friday, September 6, 2024

Time to move on? March 3, 2014


Our poet hasn’t completely abandoned the web.

It is difficult to determine if her recent fascination with Pandora shows that she is still connected to our owner, who rants and raves about the music platform.

It is possible that she came up with this on her own, since she has posted her own music on many other platforms.

I tend not to believe in coincidence. Therefore, I suspect a connection. The question is how recent is this connection and has it continued since her terminating her employment with the Virgin Mayor?

Considering how odd our owner’s behavior has been of late, I suspect he may have been left out in the cold along with the rest of us.

None the less, her music isn’t the kind he would listen to, so she is likely listening to it on her own to keep herself sane in her new environment. Maybe she’s even dancing to it 9or, as jealousy rears is ugly head again) dancing to it with someone else.

It is clear that she is still suffering with her eating disorder as the Youtube posts she’s followed have suggested for some time. She also make comments on the sites of two eating disorder specializes once in January, and again a month later.

A post on the town’s official website advertising a summer arts program may have been put up prior to her leaving, since it was an event our poet ran last summer, and was seen as one of her sterling accomplishments – just the women’s international day event was earlier in the year. She no doubt would have been involved in the women’s day event this year as well if she had not left, an event I covered this year if only to see if the reports of her demise were true.

Her last public post on Facebook is now well over a week old and suggests she had moved onto the clinic already since she has not returned to her job.

I would love for her to find some new career that doesn’t involve the collection of cut throats she’s worked with for the last year, and perhaps will loosen her grip on those I work with at the office – although in some ways, the owner, the former temporary boss and D are her last tenuous hold on power she would need if she decides to resume her position as a political operative. Giving them up would signify a significant change of direction for her.

A lot of this depends on how she feels after being deflated. Her ego (in a kind of bipolar way) is a big part of her existence. I suspect she will need to make a clean break and move on, leaving all this baggage – including me – behind her. She needs to reinvent herself again.

email to Al Sullivan

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