Saturday, September 21, 2024

A normal life? march 8, 2014


does she really want to be

 a mother, wife and such

 as one of her poems suggest

 this deep down need

to feel normal

when for the most part

she seems like the liberated aunty

 most families have at least one of

a heroine to young girls

who admire her for her fierce Independence

 and yet ultimately ends up alone

does she really want it

 or does she want to want it

yet knows she could never live

that kind of Life


denied the recognition

 of her intelligence

success she should have achieved

 maybe she just wants to feel

what she imagines other women feel

when they give birth

knowing she could never tolerate

the life stymied

 the dependence such a life would bring

 handcuffed in a bad way to a way of life

 she could not easily escape

a prison of baby carriages, dirty diapers

and bottles of infant formula

does she really want that

or does she simply wish she did


email to Al Sullivan

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