Friday, September 6, 2024

Don’t try to save me feb 26, 2014

 Her absence stuns me,

even when I know she hated me

 when she was here

“I don't hate men only some men,”

she said meaning me

 and yet for all

 the slings and arrows of misfortune

 I miss her now that she is gone

the empty space

that vacancy I can't completely explain

 knowing as I know now

 just how much pain he feels

why she needed to do what she did

go where she went

seek the help of angels

when mere mortals could not do

the world here is different without her

 the way night might be without moon or Stars

 where dark is intensely dark

and we have no lantern

 to illuminate it

 and must tolerate this emptiness

even if we feel now empty inside as well as out

she went where she needs to go

 to find something she could

 never find here

 a search for a lost chord

or  Spirit or savior

when she is the one who needs to save herself

“don't try to save me ,”she once wrote

nobody can


email to Al Sullivan

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