Thursday, September 19, 2024

Phone check July 2012


he checks our phones

then checks them again

 almost like a detective

 looking for fingerprints

that might connect us

 to some crime

unable to trace the calls

 the way real detectives might

 or lift our finger print from

the smoking guns

does he think we use our office phones

to make dark calls to her at night

 does he also make such calls

 hearing her musky voice

asking him to say dirty things to her

 the way she once asked of us

 is his cell phone as loaded

with seductive texts

 making him clutch it

and clutch it even by daylight

is he terrified someone might

 uncover all that goes on between them

 even remotely

to whisper even in the office

 when she asks him to do dirty things

in the privacy of his office

 he checks our phones

 but he guards his

email to Al Sullivan

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