Sunday, September 8, 2024

The chicken or the egg March 4, 2014


Which came first the chicken or the egg

In this case, she clearly got fired or quit before taking off to fix herself again, a kind of repeat of what occurred earlier in 2011 when she fled the chef to go through Europe

my source in the virgin mayors office says she was fired and in reaction to that she took off for the clinic. I don’t believe most of what is being said about her in this regard, although this time she seems to have gotten humiliated in the Virgin Mayor’s town and fled South to a clinic to help her cure her eating disorder

this may or may not have been at the suggestion of her therapist who she mentions in their journal and certainly was with the help of her mother who provided her with overnight bags for the trip

but there are some inconsistencies in time from when she actually took off and when she posted her poem about the trip and her essay

she was apparently fired at some point in late January at the same day she sent an email to our new writer about possibly guiding him at the newspaper.

She posted her angels in earlyFebruary suggesting she had already made the trip south to the clinic.

I found out about the firing around a few days later after the PR guy tried to find out what happened to the press release she was supposed to have sent about a press conference.

her poem Angels is about her falling back into old eating disorders and her inability to deal with it on her own and her plan apparently to seek professional help in the clinic calling them angels,

later in her journal she detailed the events that had started with her arrival at the clinic in February and her stay until early March which is her last entry

She apparently was due to return yesterday or today

This coincides with her absence from a number of public events and lends evidence to the possibility she was simply on leave of absence

 since she was down south for both the freeholder press conference and the international women's Day events I felt safe to cover both, which I did.

but this move to the clinic maybe a reaction to the loss of status and the shattering of her ego and a need for shelter from The Storm in order to regroup, reinvent herself, and figure out what to do next

 the journal is better written than most of what she posted last summer less PR and more continuation of old themes of recovery from cancer, her poverty and other aspects of real life, and her inability to overcome the eating disorder --  the last symbolic of all the rest.

She somehow sees her ability to recover from one as a solution to recovering for the rest

email to Al Sullivan

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