Friday, September 13, 2024

Ripping of the mask March 10, 2014


If I was paranoid or self-centered, I would think her removing the photograph she posted might have something to do with me.

But more than likely, it expresses rage at her removal from her duties in the Virgin Mayor’s town.

Still, it is possible, she could blame me for being instrumental in putting her on the downward path.

  since she posted the poem on Saturday the poet has shown no activity since not even her daily journal suggesting she may again be in crisis mode

already ready to bolt on Thursday after 2 weeks in recovery, the poet must have felt utter humiliated.

 you don't feel good getting your mask ripped off at any time but so many negatives in a row she has to feel at the very bottom and it will not be easy for her to rebuild herself as she has in the past or face anyone without fear that's someone might try to rip off her mask again

her silence is never good and you have to wonder what she is thinking or planning to do

I thought she removed the photo before but was wrong but this time she has

and since I have not checked on it in a while, I can't be certain just when she removed it although I vaguely recall it was there only a few days ago or so I thought I glimpsed it there among the thumbnails of past photos

I'm not even certain why she posted a photo of the first place since we have not spoken to each other in more than a year

but clearly this is a symbolic act whether to shed the memory of me or the city in which she worked and this indicates some transition

I'm sure I'm among those she blames for her current situation although I had nothing to do with her being fired or her father, grandmother or whoever rejecting her pleas for help

then again all this is like reading tea leaves you can't tell if it has anything whatsoever to do with me at all

but it did at least as late as last summer when she outted of herself to her friends and family in fear that I might expose her-- after which she made all those claims about her cancer cure and how the stalking of a former fellow worker sent her back into a fit of her eating disorder

later she wrote a poem as a warning that ga the hometown blogger might cause my downfall

at the time James sought it to get me fired

as far as I know she has yanked down two poems directed at me. so it is possible she took down this photo of on my account as well

 so it is possible she connects all the threads and blames me although I'm not sure of that either after all she seems to have lost it all and doesn't have farther to fall

a lot depends on just how much to heart she took with the person in the poem said to her if the mask is ripped completely off she may not be able to reinvent herself this time the next post if there is an exposed should give clue as to what turn her life will take but I do not think it will be a good turn no matter what

email to Al Sullivan

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