Thursday, September 26, 2024

One stick will do 2015


cold hands warm heart

or so the old adage goes

as I work off the chill

 like a boy scout

 rubbing as hard

 and long as I can

 until my fingers burn

the deeper they go

 the hotter they get

so I boil inside and out

my life timed to

the rapid beat of my heart

 and the rise of temperature

as I fill in all those soft places

 until I come to that spot that is hard

and scalding

proving that it doesn't take two sticks

to make a fire

just one stick in right place

and rubbed raw

 rubbing until my fingers thaw

 deep inside where softness swells

 and I rub that spot until it gets rigid

 and we both ignite warm

hot scolding fingers

 and of course you


email to Al Sullivan

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