Thursday, September 5, 2024

the silence March 1, 2014

It is difficult to explain just how this tiny world we live in here changes when she is not part of it.

Even if she views me as an advidsary, there was a certain continuity in knowing she still played a role in our lives here.

Now, it’s impossible to know what transpires behind the scenes, although I suspect, some of the hits on my site may still be coming from her, even though she has temporarily relocated to another state.

There is some comfort in knowing approximately where she is at any given moment, a bit perverse, the way you might feel knowing the exact location of an asteroid that is predicted to impact the earth. Yes, it is a disaster, yet knowing where it is and when it will strike is better than not knowing anything.

Whomever is hitting on my site is likely doing so to check on me. But I can’t imagine with all that she is going through right now, all those angels hovering over her, she would bother we me. I’m most likely the furthest thing from her mind.

They (who ever they are) probably still think I’m responsible for what GA, the Hometown blogger posts, when I am not. I am aware of what GA posts, but I do not contribute to it.

I suppose I should take this as a complement, yet it endangers me unnecessarily.

Our poet has not posted anything on her poetry blog in two weeks or made any comments on her YouTube channel. She also hasn’t updated her Facebook photo in more than a week.

It is impossible to say what her current mood is or if she’s embarked on any new ventures – if that is even possible considering where she is.

She may be silent because of what she is going through or someone may have told her to be quiet  -- or as in that old poem of hers, she chooses to stay quiet while behind her the wolves try to take everything she had to claw her way to obtain.

This idea of “clawing” suggests a very hard core kind of life, if not ruthless, then certainly pushing aside moral standards – which might define her use of wanton in another poem.

Her poems seem to be a confessional in which she is revealing the life she has led, but only for those who are savvy enough to pick up on what she is saying. Her silence suggests she might finally be coming to a point where she wants this one-way conversation (with me and others) to end.

She may be silent because she in a crisis and cannot raise enough energy to be creative, accepting or not accepting her fate.

I have to be careful not to provoke her.

Her silence also indicates turmoil, and perhaps she is enraged over lost opportunities. At the same time, she does not seem to have been able to adjust to the political quagmire she ended up in, and could not keep all the balls in the air at the same time, and under estimated the ruthlessness of the people she associated with, and how they would discard her once they used her for their own purposes.

She led herself to believe she was more important than she really was, while others only needed her until she could no longer give them what they wanted (influence on our office or ability to help them bring down the small man or the director of the housing authority). RR seems to have used her while at our office for a number of purposes, to get his friend named as the county prosecutor, to get his career back as a cop, and ultimately to get even with the Congressman for imagined slights.

Being fired would have been a huge blow to her ego.

This is somewhat of an unfair assessment. I don’t know exactly what she has done in her life that she might feel shame over, perhaps there is truth in that poem about the old lady and date books with more than laundry lists. But in the past, she did whatever she did for herself, not as a contracted professional. Once put in the position of a political hitman, she had to prove her worth or leave, and in the end, the changing loyalties typical of the political realm put her in a distinct disadvantage. She made enemies of the Small man, the congressman and others (most likely on behalf of RR) and when the pollical landscape changed and they were back on the side of the Virgin Mayor, she became a liability. They (again whomever they are) gave her a job as PR person, then didn’t let her do it, while those things she sent to us got buried by our female boss (a fact I found out by accident when I inquired about why none of the poet’s photos were making our publications, and got told the boss would not publish them).

At this moment, our poet seems to have come full circle, ending up back where she was in early 2011 when she needed to jump ship from her restaurant job, perhaps her grandmother is wise in helping our poet get the help she needs, grounding her for a time so that she can realign her priorities. While it is best for her, there is some great sadness in not having her on the scene.

email to Al Sullivan

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