Sunday, September 29, 2024

born again again march 26, 2014


her old world is coming to pieces, but she is in the midst of her own struggle and so will likely not be there to get hit with the debris

I'm told that RR will be fired on Monday, proof of a purge of corrupt people who clustered around the Virgin mayor

her plot from fall 2012 to destroy the congressman finally coming to roost as one by one the old conspirators are unmasked and removed

it may be that our poet was one of the first and still is naive of the criminal enterprises that went on around her

something similar is going on inside our office as lawsuit against GA the blogger begins to uncover real dirt within our office, the owner, Tim and others

it is difficult to know just how big a role our poet played in all of that corruption but it is clear that she was shattered when she got tossed out of her current position, enough for her to have a near complete breakdown from which she is just recovering

how she avoids old pitfalls -- if she means to and I am convinced that she really intends to try to reform -- will be the great challenge of her life

some of what she wrote earlier I agree with, in that she is only partly responsible for what she has become. some founding events sent her into the cycle of behavior she could not later easily break Free of

This appears to be her best shot and perhaps her removal from that group of thugs was a blessing in disguise

in an essay posted on the morning of March 27th she outlined her plans for next few days

she will be leaving the nest, flying back North and with the intent to sleep in her own bed that night for the first time in nearly a month and a half

she described those things she would miss about the nest. this corresponding to the posting of a group shot with many of the women she criticized in an early essay

perhaps an odd sense of loneliness

she reflected on how odd it will be not hearing the breathing in the bed next to hers or the rattle of breakfast bowls and plates for non-self proportioners in the morning

it'll be odd not coming to the living room in the morning to sit and write in the chair and drinking coffee and other references to the other inmates in what is not a Murphy's world.

She said on Friday she would go gather her cats and eat whatever her mother cooks and not be hungry or eat popcorn instead

she paints an interesting portrait of what life was like prior to her trip to the clinic and the strange relationships she must have had with family members

It is hard to tell just how much of a true believer she has become  (not just a madman's cancer curing diet)but to all those careers she took up since her days in school believing at least to some degree in the roles she played

and yet there's a sense that she also believes she's undeserving

reading her essays derived out of the clinic experience you can trust that on some level she actually believes in what she writes, though the sad part is that she repeats in this what she has said and done in every other career, becoming a true believer, a born again convert to a new religion she will follow only t as so long as it keeps Faith with her need to save herself and that she will set it aside when she grows strong enough for ambitions to reemerge

yet I believe this is an honest attempt at redemption and a completely new beginning more in line with some of those earlier attempts after her teaching career and later when she abandoned upstate New York to make her way to the big city

Saturday she said she'll clean her home do some yoga and finally take a long walk along the edge of the Palisades with the view of the city she loves finally not absconded by tears streaming down her face from the bitter blowing cold then she'll probably see friends for yet another drama free meal

she has set aside Sunday for phone calls, lounging, Gilmore girls reruns, writing and take out food if her paperwork got in on time she will start at the eating disorder treatment center in New York on Monday

she said she is nervous, noted that her last full day in the South was extremely trying, which she needed to help to get through, yet managed to also to stay through the closing circle when focused a lot of tension on her

she said she was grateful for the gift of the journey although she also said it was no spa but it picked her up and set her straight and she is fully aware that not everyone is fortunate enough to have this rare opportunity

the center in New York is a day treatment and intense outpatient program on the upper side of Manhattan which serves as a transition after inpatient treatment like the one she just went through and deals with eating disorders and other obsessive behaviors

I do believe this may really be a new beginning for her and maybe have saved her life

email to Al Sullivan

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