Saturday, September 21, 2024

Influenced by others March 22,2014


Our poet’s post is one the most enlightening pieces she’s posted to date,

Not as stark at her trickle up poem or as convoluted as her change of priorities poem, the essay revealed a huge amount of information about her and her motivations, and perhaps is the most honest piece of writing she has yet to reveal.

Essentially, she repeats some of the themes about her living borrowed lives, and that most people do not know the real her, but takes this theme much further to say that in some ways, those who think they know here are largely seeing a reflection of themselves and their needs, and that part of her problem over most of her life, is that her real self gets lost in the process.

She believes she is a good person, who has been influenced by bad people around her.

She is scheduled to leave on March 31st for her home, rested and ready to resume her ambitious agenda to achieve greatness – if she can finally untangle herself from those who want her to be something else.

She seems to have gotten blowback from the staff of the clinic and posted another essay in defense of her position, first declaration of new Independence

she said she texted her friend claiming her boobs has returned and she didn't like it. She also said going to the clinic was her therapist’s idea not her own.

in group or therapy she said she talked about how she needed to look at why she is constantly influenced by others negative behavior or swayed and how she has to speak up and distance herself

this may explain her tendency to pick losers to use when she is trying to trickle up

she said she talked about how she sees herself through other people's eyes and not her own and how she has begun to trust her own insight

this has merit because she tends to be chameleon like, an adapter self to the needs and wishes of those she is trying to manipulate, it is difficult to tell if this is because she is in total control or totally out of control

she says she is annoyed but what she called others disordered judgments and questioned by loved ones in her life who project their own hot button issues on to her

the phrasing suggests this happened recently while she was at the clinic and talks about disagreements with her group members and family members outside who may be something of the subject of the poem she recently posted.

in this essay she is reading things in tattoos and other inanimate elements to suggest she is about to undergo significant change

she met with the outpatient director to talk about aftercare and treatment when she leaves

the director and her therapist apparently were upset by the fact that she had booked a plane ticket without setting up aftercare first and insisted she call someone in New York City to see what their schedule for hourly two week appointments

she seemed to dismiss this concern but agreed and got the appointment set.  she found the red tape annoying and then took note of something the Virgin mayor had said in a story published last week “it is what it is” which I hope is just a coincidence

she meanwhile claimed she is ready to move on from the residential Care on March 27th and apparently made this point clear over and over to the other people and his clue to just who actually paid for the trip at least in part as the reason behind why she had to finish up in March

she said she is concerned about being a burden of allowing someone to shoulder the extraordinary cost of each second of treatment there

she said she's beginning to trust in the nearly psychic intuition perception of her surroundings and those in them and has come to realize that she spent most of her life living according to that intuition perception of who she is without self perception of her own

she said she has absorbed and essentially seen as fact about herself and the not so savory things people have put on her, she is also especially susceptible to mistreatment and because she is empathetic with people projection issues are there for drawn to her

it is hard to say if this is denial and whether she is trying to avoid her own culpability

she seems to have come through the clinic the same person that she was before and perhaps using therapy as a cover to recreate herself , at least her image, though somewhere in this down deep is a grain of Truth at least in the sense that she is drawn to people who damage her because she can't possibly attract other kind

She can't manipulate people who lack of flaw to which she can attach herself.  her idea of projection maybe exaggerated but she seems to turn herself into the person her victims need her to be in order to allow her to make use of them

 they don't project on her as much as she reflects their need. this psychic bubble simply allows her to maintain the fiction that she is wholly blameless for him manipulation

she says she has a new view on the situation as a result of her stay at the clinic when in fact this is the same view she had been carrying around for years

she says she attracts those who tend towards abusive and unhealthy behaviors, who have identity and emotional issues, and then impose their own self judgments on her

she has not been able to get healthy boundaries or separate their perceptions of her from her own and she is not responsible for their behaviors and attract them because she is empathetic and non-judgmental which is a good quality

this is a startling review although my suspicion is that she actually believes it

she goes on to say that she now has to trust her own self perception she has to figure out what she wants and what she values in herself and who she believes she is she has to believe she deserves self care she has to separate others wants and needs from her own behavior

this strikes me as extremely honest and perhaps painful

she says others take on her reality, it is not her reality and she is trustworthy she has a great memory she has wonderful intuition and is strong kind and fundamentally good and deserving of love and kindness

she does not have to own the hurt others have caused her by hurting herself

Can she exist in a world where others who have been close to her or sort of people who have in the word not good people and that it is not a reflection on who she is or what she deserves going forward

in other words she said she's been around not good people but that is not what she is

she indeed does deserve better but she feels to take responsibility for choosing to be around bad people, bad attracts bad as for trustworthy and the rest she clearly has proven different in her pursuit of power that said however she has gotten very little for all she's invested in this pursuit and can be expected more of the same as she continues to blame everyone else except yourself for doing bad things

she says because she is not succeeded in the past does not mean that she is doomed to failure for the rest of her life or that this is a state of things or that happiness enjoy or not applicable to her she will find recovery just because he will things in the end people have been around her it's just not make the whole world evil it is not her fault and she is not responsible for fixing this fact

in other words she is saying that her empathy has often allowed evil people to use her but that this does not have to be a permanent thing in the future that she can change

email to Al Sullivan

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