Friday, September 27, 2024

Abandoned dog aug 2012


I know how an abandoned dog feels

cast out after nipping his master

too many times

 love tolerates only so much

 before it wears out

and ceases to mean anything

 if it meant anything at all

when it started

dog days of summer

 taking on a whole new meaning

the drudgery of daily routine

 the heat that keeps sleep away

 along with worry

 this fear that doom might descend

 at any moment

like an unexpected thunderstorm

against which there is no shelter

all going on as if normal

 when it is all but that

 and she offering compassion

as a belated birthday gift

hers recently mine now so long ago

 compassion that feels like pity

which in itself is a gift of God'

something being better than nothing

 in a world where all that once was

or might have been evaporates

under too much hot sun

breathing impossible to take in

too deeply the loss

to severe .

to accept too easily

dog Days

email to Al Sullivan

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