Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I should have listened July 2012


I should have listened to what she said

when she said she forgave me and then go away

my fingerprints still on the keys of my cell phone

 long after I sent the message I should never have sent

 birthday wishes she did not wish to get

 and I wish I had not sent

 the backlash so bad I felt the world

on my shoulders, and

my back bloody from the lash of words

I should not have

And I knew I should not have

and still I did

trying to cling to something

I should have let go of

when it let go of me

blowing it out like so many

unneeded birthday candles on a cake

 I know no one will ever let me eat

 I should listened when I was told

now I get scolded maybe worse

 deflated, a sagging sad outdated birthday balloon

 my fingers clinging to even though

 it's struggles to remain afloat

 some lessons need to be learned the hard way

 the singed fingers the best lesson

as painful as this might be

I should have listened

and now I lick my wounds

 and down deep knowing

I did this to myself

I should have listened

email to Al Sullivan

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