Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Blind man with a shot gun July 6, 2012


He or she

Who is without sin

Casts stones

Or so you say,

When I stand guilty,


As sinful as I claim

You might be,

Painful tales

I do not understand,

Some stones we thrown

At too true

For our own good,

We do not always

Do things to drive

You crazy, or steal

Your sleep

Or drain your energy,

As if blood,

Sometimes we

Don’t know the harm

We cause

Until we’ve caused it,

And then like

A Three Stooges act,

We stumble

Over ourselves,

Causing more,

Until every blunder

Causes grief

We never intended,

Yet can’t stop ourselves

From doing it

Again and again.

We do not mean

To be mean,

And mistake our

Meanness for kindness

Which ultimately,

Is a worse crime

Because we are like

A blind man with

A shotgun

Shooting at anything

That moves,

Mistaking what we hunt for

For what must never be


As stupidity reigns


email to Al Sullivan

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