Saturday, June 22, 2024

Down and out in Hometown Dec. 23, 2013

 I by no means  compare our poet to A, the way GA, the hometown blogger has.

What our poet does tends to be more subtle, and down deep I think she has a conscience, whereas A does not.

She is consumed with money; our poet aches for recognition, appreciation for her many talents. While our poet may or may not have a ruthless streak (clawing her way, as she put it in one poem), A seems to lack scruples entirely.

Her break up with her fiancé seems to be entirely about money, and her resentment at his having lured her away from her plush life in LA.

He had promised to deposit $10,000 into a saving account if she could not find happiness on the East Coast.

He had promised her wealth; she ended up employed at our office for the cheapest SOB on the planet.

When she tried to cash out, he refused.

She also wanted him to reimburse her family for the money they’d spent in preparation for the wedding that was not going to happen.

He eventually relented on this last point.

What exactly contributed to the decline of bliss in such a short time, her emails do not completely make clear – although in more than one email, he accused her of being involved with other men, even while still engaged to him.

A makes no reference to our poet, nor does her fiancé.

A, however, did raise objections to her fiancé having porn on his smart phone, and goes on to list a number of small complaints, such as his forgetting her birthday and such, and the fact that he does not want to become a father, while she claimed she wants to start a family.

So, there is a lot of irony that she should become pregnant with another man’s child during their breakup.

The devastation of Sandy could not have come at a worse time for her last year. It hit just as she cast him off, and thus lost $300 a week she was making as a barmaid (not to mention all the money on the side many barmaids make). Thus, she had to seek “a real job” as she put it, ultimately ending up employed at our office.

During her stay, she appears to have already been involved with Carmelo and the night club owner, and even before she left our office’s employ, she appears to have done work for both of them, and intended to continue working for Carmelo.

Her fiancé was right in that she was too used to a blush life style to put up with earning pennies. She and he had been living high because he was rich, loaded down the cocaine and other drugs – and may have continued with the charade with her fiancé on the assumption she could cash out any time she wanted.  After the break up, she seemed to suggest in her emails to her fiancé that he was ignorant of her overall difficulties.

How tight she was with our poet is a matter of speculation. GA, the hometown blogger, believes they were attached at the hips, and what one did, so did the other.

Certainly there are reports of them out of the town together, but beyond that I’ve discovered no evidence of our poet going as far afield as A did in pursuit of sex, drugs and money.

Also, it is unclear if A replaced the poet in the political scene.

Or was our poet never going to be considered for the Hometown political scene.

Was there a falling out between A and our poet, or did they remain a team even after A took up her position in the O campaign, sleeping with him while at the same time sabotaging his attempts to become mayor.

Nothing in the emails indicates any of this.



email to Al Sullivan

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