Thursday, June 27, 2024

The quick sand of love Jan. 4, 2014


He loves her

He loves her not

Talking to him about her

Is like pulling pedals

Off a daisy,

Though in the dark

Of my car, parked

In front of his dark house

On the hill overlooking

Hometown, all the pedals

Pulled says he loves her

Still, even if he’s unaware

Of the turmoil she goes through

And the mystery of her

Current situation her poems

Allude to but only

With careful reading,

I want to take him by

His shoulders and shake him,

Tell him how good he has it,

The way is life is,

But shaking him is like

Shaking myself,

Since we both flat in

The same quick sand,

Only he’s learned not to struggle

While I squirm and sink

Faster and deeper,

Quick sand of love

Maybe even she doesn’t see,

Only the trail of tears that

Led us to this pit of our own folly

Led us to tumble in with

No easy way to climb out

If we can,

Even if we wanted to,

To love her is to love

Her forever,

Even if she refuses

To love us back,

And it is better to be

In this pit up to our arm pits

That not to be

Part of her life at all.


email to Al Sullivan

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