Saturday, June 29, 2024

Civil Service protection? Jan. 7, 2014


M conversation with our former temporary boss only reminded me of a similar event last summer when I had dinner with him, and he tried to feed me bullshit about his taking a job on the R campaign.

This was a tidbit he hoped I would feed to GA (the hometown blogger) and he could use to prove (to whomever) that I was GA’s primary source inside our office (when I was not).

But during that conversation, he mentioned our poet and plans (ahead of the still-looming criminal charges against the Virgin Mayor) to get her Civil Service protection, thus keeping her job even if the mayor got convicted.

This, of course, was more than a little ironic since she authored a story (in December 2011) in which the Virgin Mayor, the Governor, the Neighboring Mayor and the Hometown Mayor, all agreed that Civil Service distinctions ought to be done away with.

Her story was largely about the pay out for unpaid sick days, and yet, it suggested that Civil Service was largely a burden on tax payers.

All this is moot these days since it rumors are accurate, she may no longer be employed by the Virgin Mayor, even though he largely won his case.

If our former temporary boss knew anything about any of this during our conversations in my car in front of his house the other day, he made no mention of it, and again, he may simply be ignorant of what is transpiring behind the scenes.

The fact that GA (our blogger) keeps harping on the poet most likely infuriates him, although he may no longer believe I’m her source.

During these conversations, I don’t bring up her name. If she comes into the conversation, he has to introduce it, and when he does, it is often in passing and related to some other aspect of his life.

He apparently has asked her to read the manuscript to his new book. As male writer whose central character is a woman, he says he needs to get a woman’s perspective as to how accurate it is.

This may be simply a way of keeping in touch with her, kind of reversal of roles from when he played mentor to her as a cub. Now, she’s the mentor.

I can’t imagine what advice she might give him, but I’m sure, he’ll lap it up.

The sadness in all this is the fact that she has already moved on from him for the most part – although she did briefly try to recruit him last summer into using the cancer cure she claims allowed her to overcome the disease.

I wish he knew more about it all, what is actually going on in her life that she feels the need to abandon her place of comfort and plunge back into the uncertain universe where nothing is taken for granted.

If rumors are true and she’s gone from her job or going, the next question is: where does she go from here?

email to Al Sullivan

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