Wednesday, June 19, 2024

How it all unfolded Dec. 20, 2013


June 19, 2024


(When I originally wrote this journal entry back in late 2013, I assumed the story that had started with RR supplying our poet with inside information about the arrest of the Virgin Mayor had concluded. There was no way to know that the U.S. Senator would go on to piss of President Obama, and that Obama would send to Justice Department after him. The Senator opposed Obama’s socialistic agenda especially in regards to Obama’s policies in normalizing relations with the dictatorship in Cuba and the terrorist nation of Iran. This resulted in two criminal trials, one of which ended up with a hung jury, the second of which is currently taken place – Obama having Biden use the Justice Department to make sure the Senator could not escape “justice.” The fact is that our poet’s original story – and her access to details nobody else had at the time – set the stage for one of the most significant stories of political intrigue, no one at the time could have foreseen.)


Dec. 20, 2013


The renaming of the school after the U.S. Senator is the final chapter in a tale our poet wrote about in late May 2012 when she broke the story about the Virgin Mayor’s arrest for allegedly hacking into his political opponent’s website.

As pointed out in my journal from back then, she scrambled to find sources to verify the information she had, and even briefly asked for my help, even though she was still angry with me for leaving her at the Hometown bar a week or so prior to all this.

She didn’t need my help. She had two very powerful people helping her to craft what turned out to be the best story written about the event at the time: RR and our former temporary boss.

She seemed attracted to strong domineering men. The temporary boss actually treated her like shit when he first took over, pushing her to do more hard news (which she hated) and yet she seem to find him attractive and he became her mentor.

RR and her hooked up early on (perhaps even prior) to her taking a job at our office, and he apparently wanted to use her to get his job back as a cop (as well as push his own agenda on other issues such as the naming of the county prosecutor).

Despite RR’s intentions, he became a valuable source because of his connections with the FBI and the local police, and his contributions to the story allowed her to print information other media outlets did not have.

Although the story had all the earmarks of her brilliant writing, it also had the former temporary boss’ fingerprints all over it, as he clearly helped shape it into a powerful news story she might not have been able to write with him.

The story opened with the concept that the Virgin Mayor and his son faced 11 years in prions and up to $600,000 in fines for hacking, she quoting the town attorney at the time.

She went on to detail the mayor’s arrest and later arraignment in federal court, and the release of mayor and son on $100,000 bail, surrendering their passports to federal authorities, who also limited their travel to New York and New Jersey.

At this point, she quotes RR, who gives her a tidbit about the mayor’s wife passing out in the court house.

 And as if to modify the negative impact she returns to the town attorney who insists the town is still on the right track as far as conducting municipal business, crediting the mayor for this.

This is followed up by a quote from the U.S. Attorney’s office about the nature of the complaints filed against the mayor and his on, and how the mayor and son hacked into the website of a political opponent just after taking office, and a campaign of intimidation they waged.

Here, she interviews the local police director, who became her strong ally over the year, and how he still has faith in the mayor despite the charges.

Her story went on to refute some claims made in other media about FBI raids and confiscation of document, though the mayor admitted to her that he had met with agents. He was not permitted to discuss what was said.

The mayor told her he believed the criminal charges were the result of the county political machine trying to “ruin him for being a political maverick.”

He had canceled contracts that his predecessor had put into place.

Sources told her that the man the mayor defeated in November (and who was connected to the county machine) had turned over documents to the feds, much of which had been gathered to discredit the mayor.

At this point, she quotes sources that claim the legal action came from the U.S. Senator as retaliation for the mayor endorsing the GOP candidate against him.

The U.S. Senator has a history of such action, and is believed to have been behind actions that brought down the mayor of the neighboring down and eventually the county executive, who had conspired to steal county legal contracts from a firm run by the Senator’s close friend.

Her story diverges from what the virgin mayor told me at the time. Her story quotes the mayor as defending his endorsement of the GOP candidate, who was a close friend of his. Later, the mayor told me the endorsement was an accident. A reporter had called him up asking if he would endorse the GOP candidate and mayor, off the cuff, said he might.

The mayor told her that his change of mind regarding the endorsement was the result of wishes of his constituents, who liked the U.S. Senator, though she quoted sources (most like RR) who said the mayor met with the senator a night before announcing his change of heart.

This was among a number of stories she did prior to her leaving our office, after which the virgin mayor hired her as a personal secretary. A year later, the mayor was vindicated, although his son got a slap on the wrist.

But there were political fires that needed to be extinguished.

While working for us, she tried to bring down the congressman, one of the mayor’s staunchest political allies, and though the Small Man knew it was RR that orchestrated the attempt coup, the congressman blamed the mayor.

To appease the congressman, the mayor made arrangements to name one of the local schools after him (where as detailed earlier she used the local cops to try to keep me from covering it). Late last month, the mayor arranged for a second school to be named after the U.S. Senator, and thus guaranteed peace, if in fact an uncomfortable one.

It is difficult to know how all this affected her or RR, or if it is at all connected to her recently looking at my photos of the event. But it is clear that she is being protected, at least for the moment, but is also frustrated by her position – the way someone in witness protection might feel as if in jail.

Soon, I expect her to break out – though I haven’t a clue as to where she will go when she does.



email to Al Sullivan


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