Friday, June 21, 2024

Tale behind the emails Dec. 21,2013


I inherited our poet’s work station, after briefly being assigned to A’s old desk.

The plan is for me to take over the County Seat beat after the first of the year, meaning that I’m once again working at the Main Office, and not just one day a week Harry-Potter-like under the stairs.

A left in such a rush she didn’t bother to clear up her electronic trail. So, while on her computer I had access to her files, her phone log and her emails, all of which she comingled her personal with business.

Our poet either scrubbed her computer clean of personal files and communications, or was wise enough to use her personal email for personal stuff (or even communications she needed to keep quiet with those outside our office).

A’s email did have a few interactions with our poet on the company site, none of which appeared in the poet’s email, suggesting the poet may have gone through it all in the weeks prior to her leaving our office last year.

But even the A stuff in regards to our poet had no smoking gun, no indication as to whether or not our Poet recruited A, nor was there an evidence to support GA the hometown blogger’s claim that the two made up a bar hopping tag team.

But A’s emails did reveal an intimacy with some of the Hometown’s more questionable characters, such as James, Carmelo and the owner of the social club downtown.

None of this appeared in our poet’s business emails. All seemed very professional, though I suspect if she was going to be intimate with any of these, she would text them from her phone or use her personal email account.

The only email of any use to me was one our poet may have overlooked when – after our blow up over my leaving her at the Hometown bar – she suggested we go back out for drink, and my reply that said I didn’t think that would be a good idea right now and that I would leave a bottle of wine on her desk.

Since I already had my copy of this communication with her (which I had supplied the owners with during that time after she accused me of stalking her and used the bottle of wine as an example, her email was largely moot.

A’s emails were much more interesting, showing just how careless she was, and how she tended to mingle her professional issues with her personal.

The emails showed an inside view of how in only four months A went from a happily engaged woman, clearly in love with her fiancé to a nasty breakup, and her later involvement with other men.

There is no proof, however, to the blogger’s claim that A’s association with our poet had led to this demise. GA claims our poet steered A into a promicious bar life that caused the break up, and GA even suggested – without an ounce of proof – A’s fiancé may have been drawn to our poet, contributing to the breakup.

Neither of GA’s theories can be proven.

But what became clear from her email exchange with her fiancé say after the breakup is that A had no intention of returning the diamond engagement ring (worth $10,000, a figure that would keep cropping up.) She claimed her fiancé had lured her to the New York City area from California with the promise that he would give her $10,000 if the affair did not work out – and since it didn’t, she felt entitled to keep the ring – at least, until he came up with the cash equivalent. She said she had abandoned her friends and her career on the west coast to come east with him.

His responses showed just how put off he was by her obsession with money, and perhaps did not realize that his wealth (he was already a millionaire) may have been what attracted her to him in the first place. He did note in these emails how she liked to live what he called “a plush life.” At some point after their breakup in late 2012, she apparently got pregnant with someone else’s child and had it aborted.

Even though she was involved with Carmelo, the club owner and others, A was constantly strapped for cash, and made “an arrangement” with our boss (prior to her resignation) to provide her with “extra work” to justify extra pay, seeming to echo a pattern our boss engaged in when it came to impoverished female employees.

How this arrangement with A affected our boss’ relationship (if there is one) with our poet is hard to say. He clearly interacts with her, even though she moved onto a political job. Our former magazine editor claims she say them together at a posh restaurant a few months ago (This may have been a deception, some bit of information fed to me in order to see if the item appeared in GA’s blog.)

How much influence outside forces have had on A and our poet remains a mystery. But we have been playing musical chairs with my move to the county seat the latest in a series. D was moved to Hometown ahead of the election to replace A, and may have been part of an effort by these forces to control our news content.

A’s move to do PR for O in the election was part of this as well, and you have to wonder if these powers had recruited A when our poet was exposed (because of the small man) and whether there is any friction between A and our poet over it.

GA, the blogger, has a lot of theories, most of which I do not subscribe to.


email to Al Sullivan

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