Saturday, June 22, 2024

Angel left out in the cold July 10, 2012


The Jews in Egypt

Spread lamb’s blood

Above their doors

To ward off the

Angel of death,

Hunkered down

If not in concrete,

The hole as fast

As fortresses,

It is difficult to tell

Who the blood suckers are,

Or from whom the

Next attack might come,

Mistaken sometimes

The confused for vampires,

But you,

Touched by

A different angel

Throw open the door

To your heart,

Those who know how

To pry their way in,

Passed your fears,

How to pry open

Your clenched fists.

I wish I knew how

Not to be

The ones with

closed-mouth smiles,

but the one

who knew


(kindness and tenderness)

To get inside.

But I don’t,

And find myself

Floating over your


Warded off by lamb’s blood

I wish I was some other way

Than the way I am,

I’m not,

And so will always be

The angel left out

In the cold.


email to Al Sullivan

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