Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Love is blind Jan. 4, 2014


I drove our former temporary boss home on Thursday, partly because he was so distressed at having to take two buses up from the main office in Hometown to his house on the cliffs of the county seat in the frigid temperatures, and the impending threat of snow.

Partly I wanted to get a better idea of what he thought and where he had ended up with all the strangeness going on with our poet.

I also wanted to get a better idea of how aware he was of the plot to have taken over our office, and whether or not he believed our poet had been employed to use her influence to keep me, him and our boss in line.

(Of course, this is pure speculation on my part, at least, in regards to our poet, who may well have been as big a victim of circumstances as we were.)

As it turns out, we did not talk about her specifically, although she came up in the subtext, suggesting that he remained oblivious as to what role she played in RR conspiracy back in 2012.

She apparently did not tell our former temporary boss more than was necessary, stringing him along with rhetoric, rather than chancing letting him in on a plot he would never have consented to take part in consciously.

If anything, he seems more in love with her now than he was back then.

I suspect his moves against GA, the Hometown blogger, may have been inspired by our poet – if not directly, then out of his outrage over what GA said about our poet. I also got the feeling back then in 2012 that he might have orchestrated the investigative piece against GA to show off for our poet (pure speculation, but not an unreasonable one).

Our former temporary boss strongly dislikes our bosses and continues to believe the reason our poet left our office was over the pathetic, practically starving wages our bosses paid her. Our former temporary boss also does not seem to think she got involved with our male boss romantically, or that she is still involved with him.

I sincerely believe our poet likes our former temporary boss, and may even have had reservations about using him (on RR’s behalf) before the Small Man caught wind of the whole thing and forced her to resign.

He (our former temporary boss) maintains contact with her, becoming one of the numerous hangers-on who string along behind her in the vain hope of regaining what he once had (mentor, lover, or something else I suppose) with her back when he worked as our temporary boss, as she continues to pursue the success she believes she deserves (although lately, she has called herself the same loser she was in high school, not accomplished in any way – a foolish notion for a girl with more talent than all of us in the office combined).

I refrained from asking our former temporary boss about her, or what he reaction was to the latest events, such as her yanking the content from her Facebook pages, an act utterly shocking to me since Facebook has been a valuable tool for her in the past.

I had hoped our temporary boss would somehow divulge something, provide insight into this strange behavior of hers. I got a feeling he was unaware of it or any of those events leading up to it (such as her year long love affair and its unfortunate conclusion), and I got the impression that despite his talking to her from time to time (he once told me about her plans to get Civil Service protection if the mayor had lost his legal case), he may be more out of touch with events that I am, cut off from the important details, perhaps kept that way in the same way he was while we all worked at the office together.

While I believe our poet is still aware of me (otherwise, she would not have posted the picture of her one-time paper with my story on it), I do not believe her yanking down her Facebook site has anything to do with me. There are reasons beyond me, which our former boss has no clue of, perhaps some new stalker she needs to be shed of.


email to Al Sullivan

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