Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Private sign language (2014)


I remember

Looking down at her fingers

When she forbade me

To look into her eyes,

Ringed fingers

Some of the time.

Animated with

A life of their own,

Gestures telling tales

I struggled to read

As private sign language

Not so much dedicated

To the deaf,

But for those gifted enough

To understand these

Messages she would

Share with no one else,

Tales of adventure,

Of woe, of hunger,

Or of lust,

Fingers sometimes poised

Into a temple

Before her face,

The tips touching

The edge of her lips,

Seductive, teasing,

Unbridled when moving

About, a billboard

To her soul, about her life

Her aspirations

Carving art out of the air,

Fingers touching

And aching to be touched,

Only not by me.

email to Al Sullivan

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