Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Coming clean July 8, 2012


He tells me

 I need to come clean

about it all,

when he won’t

come clean with me,

he keeping secret

his love for her,

 while keeping secret

the fact that we meet.

I thought he would be my ally,

 a shoulder to lean on,

 someone with a common

experience I could count on

to understand what transpired

with her, and maybe make clear

what it is we both went through.

Only he won’t come clean

and admit he went through

 what I did, too.

 He hides it, even as I bare my soul,

 and I wonder, who am I

supposed t come clean with

when I have with him and he’s rejected it.

Do I put a billboard up on Times Square?

 So the world might see my shame?

Do I get down on my knees

to beg for mercy from him,

 or others, or even her?

Who do I come clean to and still survive?

And why won’t he?

Is he scared to admit he loves her,

 needs her, the way so many men

(and sometimes women)

have before him,

 scared his life will

end up in ruins

 if he comes clean, too.




email to Al Sullivan

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