Thursday, June 27, 2024

To forgive is divine July 13, 2012


 “God will for give you,”

Says the voice I hear

In my head from those

Awful days in Catholic School,

When I faced mean nuns

In the office for whatever

Prank I had done,

And all these years later

She claims forgiveness

Even though she’s not god.

And what I’ve done is

More than some mere prank,

She dressing me down

Like no nun could ever do,

Leaving me defenseless

With no excuse

My dog did not eat

My homework,

My grandmother can’t die

More than the nine times

I claimed she did,

I stand alone in her court,

She, the queen who

Passes judgement on me,

Pardoning me for my grave sings

Before banishing me

Forever from her life,

Guilty as charged,

She could have beheaded me,

The way a praying mantis

Might after making love,

Cast out of Eden for aching

For her forbidden fruit,

Or out of Heaven,

The way god did satan,

Never to look on her

Good graces again.

email to Al Sullivan

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