Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I am Judas July 11, 2012


 He knows I betrayed him

when I told her we had talked,

 jealous maybe, or perhaps

too scared to ride this

roller coaster alone,

and still want him on my side

 when he clearly wants to be on hers

Maybe he realizes that he betrayed

her trust by talking about her to me,

 which is why he needs to keep it secret,

 scared the way I am about

 what she could do to his life

if she felt he had been disloyal

after all, she had confided in him,

 after all his kind words,

 promoting trust, with me,

Judas, in the garden

 giving a kiss to Christ

 as to let others know who to crucify.

 I knew I was betraying him

when I did it,

and he knows I knew and aches

I think to get even for it,

as scared of losing her as losing his life,

 a man caught between two loves,

 neither of whom he wants to lose.

email to Al Sullivan

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