Monday, June 24, 2024

Tall tales for Christmas Dec. 26, 2013


Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I’m not certain who will get even with whom in all this, only that the bag guys seem to have suffered a significant set back and that vast rewards (if there were to be any) for our poet will go unfulfilled – as each scrambles to find a new place to land.

From my talk with Tom (the man that ratted out our poet and RR to the small man), James is significantly damaged.

The Vine, a new online column has popped and is apparently being written by Tony Amabile, who I helped get fired from our office years ago when he authored the political column for us, and used it to blackmail people – if they gave him a contract, he wrote nice things about them. If they did not, he shit on them instead.

The Vine appears to be taking sides against James and has taken sides with the GA, the hometown blogger, a scarry thought of our poet and others since there will be three bloggers going after them.

I have not checked on our poet’s Facebook page in days, though the last time I did, she hadn’t changed the photos or other things on the public portion, an oddity for her since she usually changes pictures every few days. She also hasn’t posted any new poems in well over a week.

Most likely, she went to New York State to see her father for the holidays. Although, she did that for Thanksgiving and so may head west to visit her mother instead.

Thus, her silence is not unexpected.

I sincerely hope she gets positive vibes from the holiday season, otherwise, there is the potential she become even more depressed (and possibly blame me for spoiling her plans to move up to Hometown).

I am puzzled, however, about the sudden appearance of Kaya, a former BDSM gal from The Vault in Manhattan, who contacted me just prior to Christmas.

Her life in the sex trade corresponds to Susan (Merchant) Walsh, a girl I went to college with and who vanished mysteriously in 1996 after claiming the mob and Goths were out to get her.

Kaya, however, says she’s never taken money in exchange for sex.

But she claims she was on the scene in New York City when our poet was working one of the bars there, and also spent time in Woodstock when our poet lived there.

Kaya claims she worked the same restaurant our poet did.

Since Kaya is an older woman, I wonder if this is the same mysterious woman our poet wrote about in her priority poems (Circa 2003).

I doubt it. I suspect something else is going on with Kaya that made her turn up, and made her claim she has connection to the poet when I don’t believe she does.

But I tend not to believe in coincidences, and find it strange that Kaya should emerge from the woodwork just at a time when A and our poet have gone silent.

A, for some reason, has locked people out of her Twitter account, suggesting something is going on behind the scenes.

Our poet hasn’t posted anything recently about A either.

Is Kaya some kind of trap?

It is best to assume so until I can prove differently.

email to Al Sullivan

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