Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The dorky kid December 2013


She really is

The dorky kid

She thinks she is

Trying to be cool

When she ain’t,

But neither are

The cool kids,

And her wanting

To be like them

Then or now

Is a waste of time

Groucho Marx

Said it best

When he said

He wouldn’t want

To be a member

Of any club

That would have

Someone like him

As a member,

The price of

Membership now

Is a lot higher

Than it was

Back then

In high school,

The requirements

Don’t just ask for

The right sneakers

Or clothes

These days

They want your soul,

And make you

Do things

You can’t even

Tell your mother

You did,

And even then,

They won’t

Respect you,

Just pass you

Around like

A ham sandwich

From which

All the cool kids

Take a bite

Until all that’s left

Is the wrapper

You came in,

And that just

Goes out

With the trash.

Maybe there’s

Something to be said

For being

The dorky kid,

The way Steve Jobs was,

Or any of the dorky

Kids who get kicked

To the curb,

When as adults,

They get to

Kick back.

email to Al Sullivan

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