Saturday, October 12, 2024

the ping of her phone August 16th 2012


ping goes her phone

as it lays flat on the table

 before her

her brows fold down

into a deep frown

stares at it for so long

I wonder if she intends

to answer it or is afraid to

then in a rush she snatches it up

stares down into the screen

long enough to frown again

 before she leaps to her feet and flees the room

The owner who normally occupies

 the kingly seat At the far end of the table

is not here today

and I wonder

always more than a bit jealous

if it is he on the other side of that ping

 and what is so urgent as to make her leave so abruptly

Dripping jealousy and I recall

 those nights when I was

the one on the far side not him

or whomever it might be this time

I crave the dark and how I felt

 the urges I could not tamper down

 where is our owner now

is he somewhere in the room like I was

 bursting with his need for her

 summonsing her so they can satisfy it

ohh Lord

 does he have the same twisted

mind I have aching

as I ache again to be him

email to Al Sullivan

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