Monday, October 7, 2024

all I have to do is give up aug 13, 2012

she offers me compassion

when others don't want her to

 all I have to do is give in and stop resisting

what she sees as the inevitable

we can never go back to what once was

 too much water under that bridge

 you never step in the same stream twice

yet we can still find solace in the water

 soaking the pain from our feet

all we need to do is for me to surrender

 and I have already

needed to

desperate to give into her

 if only to ease the pain persistence brings

I'm uncertain what it is I resist in the first place

 squiggling my toes to feel the bottom this pit of quicksand

I just don't know how to do it

to give in

to give myself up

 how to stop

 how to nod in her favor

 I don't know how to love and not get love back

if indeed this is Love

not really lost

 she offers me a way out

 short of my having to carry the cross

she offers me a chance to go on

if indeed I must be humble

even if I must look down from afar

at what I once saw

once touched

once tasted up close

 it is not the same

email to Al Sullivan

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