Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Letting it all out april 1, 2014

her most recent post is terrifying in its clarity and its sense of hope

unlike previous reviews of her past in regard to a life at the newspaper, she is not openly blaming me for her relapse, and indeed may be confronting some of her own demons

 in this latest effort she seem to rise above what she has become

 somewhere in the midst of this batch of essays, her tone changed and she lost some of her tone of confidence as well as her self perception of being a victim.

I'm not saying this latest essay is more honest than in the past efforts but it feels different in tone

she revisits the past and it hurts of events that transpired before and after my encounter with her

she's contemplating the idea of the impact places that can bring the brain back to other thoughts she hadn't thought or considered in some time and a change of context that rises like ghosts of events in the past

it is almost like nostalgia but without the wimpishness and more like PTSD

she said she woke to the Twilight and the remnants of a clinging cold that had not been so bad in her dreams

she said the clinic and the sessions gone deep into layers of earthy disorder related to her the dysfunctional thoughts

staring out her window,  she recalled previous ritual of getting coffee from one of the local shops she also recalled the slew of oppressive thoughts with one overwhelming emotion guilt

this was followed by a variety of internal voices denying any responsibility and the idea that she still had wasted her money by going to the clinic and that the next stop for the treatment in New York was unnecessary

she would be going for a hardcore job search

she also was struck by the years she's been seeking careers and wondered about what she did with all the second chances she's been given

she pondered the various futures that she could have had such as child rearing and part of a couple with a dog, a husband, and a picket fence

and what about all the time and money invested in talent ventures and all the places she had lived and left the many identities she had taken and shed over the years

 she used to be someone who woke up and wanted to be someone with a girl getting energy that bordered on uncomfortable and that propelled her through the fantastic and too busy days that kept her at disastrous jobs longer or shorter than they should have been

she recalled being able to read or watch TV for only short purse before becoming consumed again with getting onto the green side of the fence at some point that energy began to fade into exhaustion and the burden of going in all frightfully alone

she tended to become more and more isolated and marked by inability to leave the house or hotel room for any length of time without someone else to inspire her  She seemed always to feel the sense of being stuck and this led to a relapse.

all this said makes her argument sound very reasonable and makes it all seem as if she really is on the road to recovery and perhaps he is but the essay hints of still suppressed rage she clearly did not intend and does not go so far as to completely backtrack from the life she led prior to her visit to the clinic even if there were no suggestions contained in this essay to hint at the contrary and the essay could have been taken at face value as a statement of attrition it would be unwise to assume all is forgotten or forgiven

it is not

one does not undo decades of decadence in 6-week trip to the clinic and as reasonable as the essay sounds or feels it also seems too good to be true

like any brilliant essayist she concedes much too lure the reader into the full sense of attrition and in all this admits more openly what she has previously alluded to only in her poems

if there is a smoking gun in this particular work it comes at a point in which I enter the picture but she has a few more points to concede prior to reaching that place

she said the guilt of being unable to function or be a bad role model to those around her or not becoming the success and career woman the family or others wanted kept her from total self-destraction and kept her in pursuit of some career she would no longer name.

What the hell does she want anyway?

A singing career?

After 5 years of barely eeking out a living as a singer, she found she's forgotten why it was she singing in the first place -- the joy of belting out a tune in her living room gave way to the need to please those around her and the horror of being recognized in public just a little combined with the beginning of her loss of an anonymous for the quieter life

people kept asking her why she didn't try out for American idol something she opposed but all this left her the pressure without the purpose.

Not going into the complete history of her various careers, we reach the point where I come into the picture

so she picked up on writing as a way to start over even though the journalism career at our paper paid less than minimum wage and required more than two jobs worth of hours alongside questionable ethics and a tendency toward life-wrecking scandal invention in order to meet the bottom line at her soul to spit it out but the guilt

Being 32 and starting over again and being sort of good at it kept her there until she once more broke down and relapsed

All this is a possible shot at our owner and possibly when referring to questionable ethics, and at me when talking about a life wrecking scandal inventions all of which ate at her soul and spat it out.

she stayed on because she was good at writing but then again broke and relapsed the truth is she quit because she was forced out

hence in her latest career in the as a municipal PR and mayoral office manager that happened to be tied to a still and more abject poverty and a Salem witch like environment of fear, character assassination and legal snafus further hence the relapse that landed her in the clinic

she say she was again underpaid something other than maybe what she told or gossip when she moved on from the paper and environment of fear she compared to Salem witch trials suggesting bad vibes in the office as people above her question hard loyalty, and the legal snafu is most likely the mayor's trial this leaves the character assassination and the possibility of blaming me for outing her predatory habits when in fact for the most part I refrained from any of that

Though this brings mine the forged sword poem and the threat that my connection to the hometown blogger would be used against me and was this suggesting some connection to James who was the instrument of that attack

now on the other side as she sits thinking in her memory chair she finds herself feeling guilty over the fact that she failed to yet another life venture. a 20-year career with eating disorder, she knows it's unnatural to think this way but that was common ground for life way of varied in exhaustive life path Ed

she said Ed held her back from obtaining true success a girl forever interrupted by shame and cruelty and broken Disney version of life she simply could not lead

and she debates making the attempt again

so she sits clutching her cup of coffee. pleased that she got up and wrote this morning and that the sun has risen over her in a way that would make a more beautiful, and sees the ultimate thing that has helped her through her trails and tribulations: The written word.

she suggests that she may tell her own story

writing will always be here if she has anything at all to do with Ed

She seems to conclude with the idea that she will not left self guilt defeat her, and apparently has decided to embark on a new adventure, But who knows what that will be.



email to Al Sullivan

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