Friday, October 4, 2024

Ghost march 31, 2014


she comes back to a cat that

does not seen to know her

 or can't -- after 6 weeks -- quite tell

 if she is the same person she was

spitting up its food

maybe a recollection of

what her master did back

 before the clinic

the whole place she once called home

 a little off, not an alien planet

 so much as remote and cold

not friendly place and she recalled it was

before she moving through it

like a ghost

 unable to touch anything

or feel it

 unable to settle anywhere

 and feel solid

she will recover

 get restored

 but it won't feel the same

as she was

 recovered yet different

finding solace in the fact

she can get on with her life

even if in some ways

it isn't her life anymore

 or the life she had before

curing herself

she changes herself

 giving up the self she was

 to become someone new

 perhaps better

 but still alive

email to Al Sullivan

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