Friday, July 12, 2024

Tying ourselves in knots January 12, 2014


He ties himself in knots over her

 as we all do

perhaps because she given him

 just enough rope for that

yet not quite enough to reach her

if only her hair was long enough

He might climb that

but he's not the one she needs

 or means when she thinks of love

 his love is a one-way Street

he can't back up on to get back

to where he was when he was

 the center of her attention

 a bitter Brew he gets to sip daily

 and does not yet know how to stop

and I don't know how to tell him otherwise

having just enough room to hang myself

and I wish I had what he has

 if not intimate contact

at least gripping  the strands of her hair

 feeling apart of her even if he can quite

 make the leap to the tower where

 she resides  he is always tying knots

 I wish I could untie

sipping his bitter tea

 loving without getting loved back

 an old man as old as I am

all too aware she

needs, wants must have someone else

through his ties connects to her

when mine does not

email to Al Sullivan

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