Tuesday, July 23, 2024

More bad news jan 31, 2014


some stories never end up happy

this may be the case when it comes to our former temporary boss whose medical problems just got worse

this week he learned that the treatment he had for cancer had caused a problem with his jaw bone, a flaking of the bone which will likely require surgery to cure and could even result in the need to replace the jaw

all this ahead of the treatment that his cancer might return at any time. it is impossible to say whether our poet gave him the cancer since things of this kind take decades to incubate but since she had the precancerous condition that causes the kind of cancer he got it is possible

 this only compounds our former temporary bosses misery since he is forced to suffer through this terrible medical nightmare while our poet goes on with her life apparently unaffected by her own disease at least she got over it

unaffected is the wrong word since she is suffering a slow decline of her own from both an attempted cure and from a spoiled romance that she is still suffering

but if our former temporary boss is in as bad situation as it seems, it is extremely unjust, unfair. when he really is also in love with her and pursues something that is beyond him.

Even though she may be sympathetic, it is unlikely that she will feel much about his love other than at a distance.

She appears to have reinvented herself again at least come to some settlement with that nagging inner voice she does her best to ignore but it always buzzes in the background as painful and it's ranting as our former temporary bosses cancer

how all is will play out is anybody's guess since the story like all stories goes on even when some of the players fall out of it.

what amazes me however is the great impact she has had on everyone. all of the people around her, changing all of our lives from this short acquaintance, a landscape littered with the emotionally wounded people who will never really recover and will never get over her and possibly never want to


email to Al Sullivan

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