Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A helping hand January 18, 2014


As pointed out earlier, in the midst of this internet silence, our poet did manage to email our new writer for her old beat, telling him she knew how it feels to be a new reporter, and offered to help him if he needed it.

All he has to do, she said, is call or text her.

This may have been how Joe became infatuated with her, and before Joe, D.

Considering what has transpired over the last few months, this may be her attempt to reassert control over what we report, perhaps demonstrating for that inner group of thugs she works with that she still has a use.

Since Joe has moved down to my old beat, she may feel the need to ingratiate herself with our newest writer, and make an impression before he becomes too callous.

This suggests that she hasn’t completely abandoned her original plans, and in accepting who she is may result in her returning to what she was prior to the most recent set backs.

But it may not be an isolated move.

A legal suit has been filed against GA, the hometown blogger – orchestrated by James in reaction to his political loses (He is looking for GA’s sources, in particular someone who signs her submissions as “kboken” (who I believe is our boss). James filed a suit against GA back in 2012 that didn’t go anywhere. This suit has some teeth and GA is scared.

Again, I’m struggling to find a connection between our poet and James, besides the geographical location of his bar a block from her apartment.

Someone has also been making crank calls against the Hometown Democratic Chairman, who was supposed to be on James’ side, but may have gotten wise to the duplicity and abandoned O’s campaign before the polls closed.

From what GA and the congressman’s PR person tell me, our poet targeted the Democratic chairman early on in the process, but failed because of the congressman’s PR person took steps to protect him.

What this current email means, I can’t say. Again, she may have reached out to prove to those in power that she still has worth, even though D is leaving, and Joe has moved to my old beat.

Only the new reporter showed me the email and asked me what I thought it was about.

I chose not to give him any of my theories. He seems capable of protecting himself.

email to Al Sullivan

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