Wednesday, July 31, 2024

altered reality July 25, 2024


I don't know

what to make of it

this altered reality

this game of tag

something I can

no longer touch

even though I still feel it

this coming and going

then going again

these visitations

as if by saints who are not saints

or space aliens who abduct us

 and return us to our old reality

 fundamentally changed

not so much for the worst

but utterly different

so it is impossible to go on

 as we were like a Time Warp

we steered into a different track

to a different destination

we never intended to steer for

and now can't stop ourselves from going to only you are no longer part of that ride or it's destination but a site we see

 out the window of this train

 of fading images,  a billboard advertising

a life we might have had

had we've been wise enough

 to get off the train in time


email to Al Sullivan

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