Sunday, July 14, 2024

Exploited January 16, 2014


The only thing I have to report this morning is that there is nothing to report.

At least, where our poet is concerned.

She is maintaining radio silence (so to speak), and perhaps advised to do so to avoid becoming a lightning rod for political retribution. A number of people must be still peeved about the lost Hometown election and need someone to blame.

But now that I’m back in the Hometown office, I see not only the impact of her once working there, but also why we were so taken with her, our intensity of need that made us vulnerable to her charms, and how much we are still exposed to this influence even though she has moved on.

The corruption – which is our  -- remains, and for the first time, made obvious to me, and in some ways, has created a much more dangerous landscape in which to make my  way, each member of the crew here grabbing their piece of power, a pie slim to start with, made even leaner by the intense greed at the top.

The two owners – the man more than the woman – cling to their tiny bit of power and wealth often at the expense of those of us who work for them. (and justifies our poet’s claims last spring about fair and unfair, right and wrong, and trickling up as a way of finding equity in this unfair world.

The female owner knows all about our male owners fillandering, and his exploitation of female employees, though she may have also done her bit with two previously male employees, who for a time seemed to be her favorites.

I was largely blind to this, although I suspected our poet read it all from the moment she stepped through the front door of our Hometown office, which allowed her to begin trickling up here as she apparently had done in other places.

 The only person she seemed to misread was me. I am too naïve, and for her, a misdirection. She assumed I had power, when I really was not part of the food chain at all.

She clearly read our former temporary boss better, how much he liked being part of the power grid, although she needed to jump off his life boat quickly because he didn’t have his power long, regulated back to the working class when the real boss returned from maternity leave.

This is why I think she targeted male owner – although in some ways she misread him as well.

The male owner might indulge in his sexual escapades, he loves his power and his money more, and that’s why when the small man forced our poet to resign, our owner – who should have stood up for her – set her adrift.

It seems men constantly betray her, and this may well be the same where she is currently, giving her just enough to get what they want from her, but never enough for her to be able to feel secure.

They exploited her while she thought she was exploited them.

And if as clues from her poems suggest, she feels guilty about doing those things she needs to do in order to survive, when as that girl in the poem last spring suggested, she should not.

She is only exploiting the greedy and ruthless, who deserve to be exploited. But as I have suggested here in other journal entries, she is and never has been as ruthless a player in this power game as she pretends, perhaps why she wakes up early dawn each day. She has a conscience, while those others in this game do not.

And in this game, a conscience is a liability.

I suspect she is undergoing to same betrayal in her current situation, and will only survive if she moves on to someplace else populated with other people less ruthless than this crew is.


email to Al Sullivan

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