Monday, July 29, 2024

The same old story July 29, 2024


They are stripping the name of the U.S. Senator off the school in the town where the virgin Mayor once presided.

The U.S. Senator was convicted of taking bribes, and must resign.

This is more than a little ironic since the naming of the school in late 2013 was the last time I got to see our poet, and the school renaming was part of a peace offering by the Virgin Mayor to make up for his endorsement of a republican against the U.S. Senator, and the plotting behind the scenes to unseat the U.S. Senator’s closest ally, then a congressman.

The congressman (also ironically) has become mayor of that town, although it is the Board of Education that voted to remove the senator’s name, not the former congressman.

The neighboring mayor, who was also a target back in the bad old days of a decade ago, is once again under attack, a new face of a new gadfly, but paid for by the same operatives as in the past, all trying to bring him down as they tried a decade ago.

Since I live in his town these days, I get his mailings the latest of which went his arch enemy from a decade ago as well as the mayor of the county seat (who used to be his friend).

All these years later, long after she has gone from the scene, the political bickering continues without her – the virgin mayor long gone, and so are many of the other players who had been part of that collective of scoundrels she had to suffer with while there.

The new war is being waged without her, with the neighboring mayor still the target, and his arch enemy, the former state senator, looking to destroy him before he retires from his own town.

A lot more is at stake these days as the mayor from the county seat looks to become the next governor, and our neighboring mayor stands in his way, endorsing a congressman from a near by counter (the son of the warehouse owner I worked for in the 1970s).

All this, of course, making me sad, as if nothing really changes, and I’m grateful she escaped this scene because it was never going to go well for her, these powerful people using people like her, even like me, as pawns.

But as the old saying goes: the more things change, the more they stay the same.



email to Al Sullivan


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