Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Ghosts of the past and present January 25, 2014


The more direct contact I have with our former temporary boss, the more I wonder just who influenced whom when our poet still worked in our office.

Was she merely trying to live up to his expectations, rather than influencing him as I thought early on?

This is not to make her out to be an innocent bystander but suggests that she learned early on how to read our agendas and play up to them.

While I think she misread me, she had him pegged since he clearly needed someone to mentor, and as they say, he wore his heart on his sleeve.

I still don’t know exactly what happened with our neighboring mayor, what caused their falling out after she had been the darling of his town, but our former temporary boss had adopted many of the biases towards that mayor and other players as she seems to have, though it is our regular boss that seems most connected to the former deputy police chief turned private eye that became the neighboring mayor’s biggest nightmare.

And before her leaving our office, our poet joined the anti-neighboring mayor faction to the point that the neighboring mayor did not want to meet with her or our regular boss unless I was also present – and both our boss and our temporary boss deliberately sought to exclude from such a meeting.

The fact that our poet said openly at one of our meetings that the Neighboring Mayor was corrupt shocked me (and still does), even in this county, there isn’t a public official free of corruption.

Her statement – along with the claim that the neighboring mayor had impregnated an underage girl and had stashed her in an apartment supplied by the housing authority – seemed more personal than professional, something like the sour grapes of a rejected lover.

If so, it is clear she misread the Neighboring Mayor as well, who is a notorious womanizer, even excluding her claims about him.

All this may also be part of RR’s agenda, who appeared to want to exploit the differences between the neighboring mayor, the virgin mayor, the congressman and the small man. RR might have been peeved when the Neighboring mayor did not support the candidate for county prosecutor RR wanted (and hoped to use to get back into an official law enforcement job), which may also explain our poet’s distaste for the Neighboring Mayor.

It is difficult to tell if our former temporary boss hates the neighboring mayor on his own or has had his opinion influenced by his love of our poet.

Frankly, I don’t think she cares in the least. All this is her version of a shell came as she moves into new shells in order to appeal to specific people – though if she was involved with the neighboring mayor and he spurned her, this would give her good reason to strike back at him.

Early on at our office, I got the impression that she worked on a number of us at the same time: the owner, the former temporary boss, me and perhaps others, and why she got upset when I talked to our temporary boss about her, as if concerned that we might compare notes and realize there were discrepancies between what she told me and others, such as her telling our former temporary boss that her father had died when she was young, when her father is still alive and kicking.

This might not have been her doing, however, as our former temporary boss seems to hear what he wants to hear about her, and she is aware of his fascination with the mafia and might have played up that angle with him, when such stories fell flat with me.

Her tales about stalkers, however, clearly worked with both of us, but in particular with our former temporary boss, who aches to protect her.

After losing his power as temporary boss, she largely had little use for him and relegated him to that host of men who still cling to her memory, wanting to keep connected to her regardless of how tenuous a connection that might be, as she distances herself from them.

Those who accept this distancing become like ghosts in her life, spirits she acknowledges, but no longer close as they once were, leaving them with mixed feelings of bitterness and longing, craving contact with her, accepting whatever contact she gives them, so, they linger in limbo, staggering behind her footsteps, accepting whatever she grants them (which is never much), all foolishly believing they might once again get back in her good graces, when they never will.

Until this year and the man she fell in love with a year ago, she never went back to something or someone she left behind, especially when we (they) have nothing to offer her. She has moved on and seeks someone new in her life

In all this, I’m a different kind of ghosts, from whom she expects nothing, but can’t quite shed, part of that group of people she has delegated to the role of stalker, persistent, petulant frat boys who some how have a place in her life, a literary foil; against whom she can play – fear of stalkers helping her to generate new saviors to rescue her.

This perhaps is the saddest part of our former temporary boss’ predicament, he loves her, but she no longer needs him to ward off ghosts from the past like me, and so, he floats behind her wanting what he can’t have.



email to Al Sullivan

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