Monday, July 15, 2024

Those sharks do it better than she does January 16, 2014


she can't win in this new microcosm

 she stumbled in

pretending to be ruthless

when she is not

but they are

 all the sharks om

a fish tank of their own

having had much more practice

 as exploiting the vulnerable

when for all of her life

she has only exploited those

who deserve it

corrupting those who want to be corrupted

 we who in the back of our little brain

lust for it and she gives it only

 with a charge

 feeling more than guilty over it

 even though in the end she gives us

exactly what we've asked for

dreamed of even

 sold our souls to get

but here now yesterday

even she swims in a tank

with fish better at doing

 what she is doing

and worse doing it guilt free

not giving us what we need

 or want in exchange

and she gets trapped in their trap

when she thought she had

 trapped them in hers

 that's what hurts most

for those of us who

want to be used by her

for what she offers in return

when the other sharks

gobbled her up for no good reason


email to Al Sullivan

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