Sunday, July 21, 2024

chapter 12: person of interest



This was supposed to be the first chapter in the original version of Hudson City with the preceding chapters told in a series of flashbacks.

Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on whether this is a better version or not), I lost the original notebook that contained the first version of the novel (all versions handwritten, and god only knows where volume got off to, possibly left in one of the offices we abandoned during the time when I wrote it)

What is being posted now is a reconstruction based on my original outline. I decided to do away with some of the flash backs because a majority of the novel after the chapter I’m posting now is Sam’s investigating who might have committed the crime by going back to all those people who knew her in the past – a kind of flashback of her past that gives clues to what motivated the crime.

Much of this version is still in outline form so it will take time for me to finish the reconstruction


 Chapter 12: a person of interest


I woke up in my own bed with a pounding headache and someone pounding on the door

I hadn't fully undressed, somehow managing to strip off my shirt my shoes before falling into bed

The room was still dark so the clock face glowed brighter. it's time telling me I had slept for less than an hour. this explained the grogginess but not the pounding on the door.

Not even the landlord would come knocking at this time of night so I figured it had to be the police.

“Hold on,” I shouted. “let me get dressed”

Since I had barely undressed this was not a big deal so weary had I been coming in

I glanced around the small room, at the dresser, chair, nightstand, closet, and the phone booth sized bathroom for anything that might have been out of place

I live to Spartan life.

With the exception of the half empty bottle of Jack Daniels my wallet keys and gun all the surface was vacant if you discounted the dust

Again came the pounding

“All right all right,” I said slipping the gun into the top drawer of the dresser, an old style snub nose 38 no cop in his right mind still used but somehow felt more comfortable than the 9mm Insanity everybody carried these days

Then I opened the door to the edge of the chain and poke my face to the opening

“Yeah?” I said, “what do you want?”

Two plainclothes cops stood outside the door on the landing dressed in the all too familiar suit and tie uniforms of their kind, not federal agents because these suits were gray not black, and not local cops because the suits were tailored and not off the rack.

One, a blonde haired guy of about 55 who had seen from time to time, flipped open his wallet to show badge and ID naming him as Miller

“We're from the prosecutor's office homicide squad,” the man said. “Can we come in we'd like to ask you a few questions?”

“Do you have a warrant?” I asked

“No!” the other, gruffer and taller detective said. “But we can get one.”

“There's no need,” Miller said sounding weary. “We're not here to search the place we can talk to you here or down at the office.”

“All right,” I said closing the door to release the chain then opening it again to admit them. “Come on in. I don't have much room in here and only one chair sit in the bed if you like I generally do.”

The gruff man shook his head and took a station in front of the door I guess thinking to block my escape if I decide to bolt

Miller shook his head

“This won't take long,” he said and remained standing as well but closer to the bed

“What's this about?” I asked

Wwe're asking the questions,” the gruffman said

“so ask,” I said

“Do you know Jeanette Shapiro?” Miller asked

“Knowing her is too strong, I said, “I only recently met her.”

“were you with her tonight?”

“As a matter of fact I was.”

“how long ago?” Miller asked

I glanced at the clock

“Until about an hour and a half ago,” I said. “I was just getting to sleep when you guys showed up.”

Then you will have to come with us after all,” Miller said.

The other cops stirred and started to move towards me

“Am I under arrest?” I asked

“Not at the moment,” Miller said. “But you are a person of interest.”

“What for?”

“Come along, buddy,” the gruff cop said

“if you are not charging me with anything then at least tell me why you need to continue to question me somewhere else,” I said

“Miss Shapiro's brother found her strangled and you appeared to be the last person to have seen her alive,” Miller said

email to Al Sullivan

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