Saturday, July 13, 2024

Political aftermath Jan. 12, 2014

 I keep looking for evidence that connects our poet with James.

While there is plenty to connect James with A, things are less certain when it comes to our poet.

While James is perfectly capable of double dealing as his betrayal of his best friend Tom proved, he has too much to lose when it comes to our poet, even though he owns a bar a block up from her house where she may have hung out from time to time (possibly even where she picked up that rapper for her working things out stuff back when we first started to talk).

Although James worked with Poopie on the third ticket in the Hometown election, and did damage control when A started to sleep with the mayoral candidate while sabotaging his campaign in order to assure the incumbent mayor won. It was Poopie who made the deal with the incumbent mayor to keep the third ticket viable, not James.

James hated the incumbent mayor, and may well have been a dupped into believing the campaign was viable as the candidate himself was. James flatly refused to believe A was working on the behalf of R to undermine O’s campaign.

If our poet was involved with the Hometown campaign, it was on behalf of R, not O, and this because her PR boss was running R’s campaign. This would have put the two of them at odds.

More so, James is strongly attached to the Small Man and the Congressman, against whom our poet worked (along with RR) and he would not risk losing his meal ticket with the Small Man in any plot.

James is also tied into the Hometown Democratic Chairman, who our poet allegedly attempted to seduce (most likely on behalf of R since the Democratic chairman supported O’s campaign. This is the same man who is being tapped to replace RR as director of the Parking Authority, another good reason why James would not likely be connected with our poet.

On top of this, James along with one of his compatriots is trying to get hired to run the campaign for the challenger in the Peninsula City, a job that our poet’s close associate, Joey D is also aiming to get.

While I think our poet used her wonderful skills to help the R campaign, she is not likely part of the more complicated plot, the way A was, although because she is so close to A (according to GA, the Hometown Blogger) she might likely have known about the whole conspiracy.

While James is very tied to the owner of our office, he most likely believed his actions to support O’s campaign were straightforward, although I suspect our owner would much rather have seen R become the new mayor.

Our owner possibly is still seeing our poet, and maybe she is doing her part to keep him happy and content, part of that effort by our former writer, Tim, who has been trying to find ways to control our publication on R’s behalf.

Our owner, however, is a light weight when it comes to local politics, and is far too close to Poopie than is comfortable. He believes what Poopie tells him, and would support Poopie only on the belief Poopie is legitimately trying to beat the incumbent mayor. Our owner hates the incumbent mayor. So, he has likely been duped by the whole thing as well.

With that election concluded and not at all to the satisfaction of R’s people, who did what and why has become the stuff of speculation.

What role did our poet play?

She clearly can’t be happy, partly because she saw the Hometown election as a way to trickle up and beyond the Virgin Mayor, and now, she appears to be stuck where she is, although in one account she claims to have a new boyfriend. She has shown nothing on the Facebook page to which I have access, although no doubt she continues to post for those with access.

Why she shut down the page on Jan. 31 remains almost as much a mystery as to why she restored it recently.

How long she can keep on treading water, I can’t say.

But there is a feeling that she needs to move on, and soon, but where she’ll go is beyond any guess I can make.

email to Al Sullivan

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