Saturday, July 27, 2024

Birthday sonnet July 27, 2024


44 winters come to leave their mark on your brow

But does not dent that beauty  I see in your eyes

for winter’s chill always brings spring and spring allows

to turn a blind eye to all that mean time would demise


Your beauty is not a thing that we measure in years

But something grander that we see rise from within

The more you age we see this beauty rise free from tears

and in the end of time we see how youth’s folly thins


And the more we realize the bard's error when he proclaimed

That forty or forty four years might cause beauty to dent

And maybe that which was fair in youth may indeed come to change

But time cannot cause what is inside you to tear or rent


What you are cannot by time or age be put to waste,

And beauty cannot be lost by urgency of days or haste.


email to Al Sullivan

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