Sunday, July 28, 2024

the price we pay. Jan 31, 2014


we always pay for it in the end

 we get you for a moment

 only to have the bill come

always more than we reckon on

 even when we knew the cost

 would come high

heartbreak the least of it

 and for this I count myself fortunate

and pity him, my friend and rival,

 for the suffering he has to endure

his love lost less than this mind

 has and perhaps it is because

of how much more he adored her

each of us the thieves to either side

of him on that hill

 the one thief promised redemption

 for all the kindness he gave

our suffering Christ

she one of the two Mary's we both desire

 a Mary with two faces

each equally desirable

if for different reasons

My friend and rival forced to pay

 the steeper price for

 which I am grateful

I did not,

 though down the I seek to be him

to have been so kind

 as to win that special

 piece of her heart

the man who knows

the right combination

to unlock it

and did

 while I fumbled with it

and lost it

and regret it

all this time later

email to Al Sullivan

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