Friday, July 19, 2024

The medium is the message July 19, 2024


Almost three years ago, I started posting my journals and poetry journals regarding my poet friend. This was because I noticed that she (from her IP address) was checking in on my webpage, mostly journals that were not at all about her, but about my life in the past.

I figured if she was interested, I would begin posting those journals that helped me survive during those turbulent times a decade ago, letting her glimpse my real thoughts uncensored by my cyber nanny.

The hits on my site increased not just from the IP address that I assumed was hers, but also from IP addresses connected to places like Council Bluffs, Washington DC, even Signapore.

I assumed that these and others were her using software to alter her IP address much in the way GA the Hometown blogger did years ago.

To some extent, I came to believe that when she wanted to see what I was posting without revealing herself, and when she used her standard IP, she was sending some kind of message, even if I could not decern what that message is.

When she moved north earlier this year, she continued to use both disguised and her standard IP, sometimes starting out early with her standard IP and later resorting (I suspect) to disguised IP addresses.

Yesterday, all that went out the window when she hit my site more than 400 times using an IP address from the city where she lived.

I am assuming it is her, although it could be someone she is close to, living near her, who she had told about my writing and that person is checking me out.

My belief is that it IS her and not someone else, and that by doing away with any IP disguise, she is sending a message, though I still do not know what it means.

The concept that the Medium is the message I think applies here.

This theory of communication suggests that the content is only part of what is being said when something is written or broadcast – and that the same message sent in one venue such as fiction differs when an artist uses poetry or playwriting, TV or music.

This is part of the reason why I kept both a regular journal and a poetry journal, sometimes covering the same subject, and why I sometimes delve into fiction and fantasy in order to say something I could not otherwise say.

The poetry tends to convey how I feel inside, while my journal tries to be more objective (if anything can be objective), while sometimes, such as my novels, I explore ideas of what might be possible.

At one time, I believed she was trying to communicate with me through her poetry. But I was largely restricted to response by my cyber nanny as well as fear of her living up to the threats she made. For the most part, the conversation (if there is one) has been one sided, even when I am writing about her poems and music.

There is no feedback.

And since she ceased posting poetry and essays, much of what I’ve written is pure speculation.

The IP thing, however, seems like some kind of Morris Code, in that she hits my site frequently, perhaps suggesting she is still interested.

But why she suddenly reverted to an IP that is from her home town rather than the previous IP associated with where she works, I have no clue. She must know I see where she is coming from, even if I don’t know what it means.

There is a message in the medium, I have yet to understand.

email to Al Sullivan

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