Saturday, July 20, 2024

A taste of honey January 27, 2014


ga the hometown blogger taught me how to disguise my tracker this may explain why my website got hits from the virgin mayors town yesterday

I can't absolutely say that it's the poet but it could possibly be others still seeking dirt by digging through my old pages which I have posted over the years an old concept that I would incriminate myself in any manner they could use

ga claims I am so upfront about everything that they find it difficult to use anything against me

this time whoever it was looked into my posting about my days at cosmetic Plus something I posted after hearing about my managers death a few years ago

whoever it was did not stay long yet the visit suggested continued interest and none to my advantage

maybe our poet feels deprived of the future she could have had at our office a career supported by the owner and by our former temporary boss

this of course is folly because unfortunately she brings down her own seeds of destruction to each and every situation, something made very obvious when you look back at her history with the exception of the band almost nothing lasted more than a year.

 this leads me to wonder just how much longer she will be able to survive her current gig since this month marks her one anniversary there

I can't tell what plans she's making to move on although our former temporary boss celebration of the North county art scene suggests that she may be involved with that and she may hope to revive her career as a performer though she noted at one point she had lost something in her voice due to smoking, drinking and other bad habits similar to what happened to my best friend Hank at her age

I need to lay even lower than I have in the past to make no reference at work or beyond my most private circles I sense a critical time coming in which I should have no part letting what happens happen on its own

 all the people involved with this over the last 2 years seemed broken and incomplete and those who survive this have to somehow rebuild our lives

as a result some like our former temporary boss will linger in limbo forever, caught up in what could have been instead of what will be and the more I think about it the more I see him as influencing our poet, his needs feeding hers, allowing her to use him this may be true of all of us at this office and beyond who she has touched over the years

the problem is most of us want to be touched by her and most of us want to be used by her and we still relish the taste of what it's like to be part of her life


email to Al Sullivan

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