Tuesday, July 23, 2024

a piece of cheese jan 30, 2014


I want no part in this rat race

even if there's a piece of cheese

 to be had

I keep thinking about the old adage

about not being able to handle the heat

I'm already struggling to get out of the kitchen

 before I get burned

she's not to blame

though she may well be one of the cooks

 stiring up this political witches brew

that sends me elsewhere

will she get the job they are trying

to find for her

 how will it be different this time

from the job she had up north

I am past caring about what she gets

 from whom even though I hope

she ends up on the good side

of The ledger we measure our lives with

I'm long past caring who she is with

 though I hope she doesn't it hurt

 or used while she seeks to exploit

 whatever opportunity she is presented with

we are all in the rat race to survive

 even if the slice of cheese we get is very small

email to Al Sullivan

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