Tuesday, July 30, 2024

angels. Feb 6, 2014


how many angels

can fit on the tip of a pin

or in the City of Angels

or in some limbo place

we envision but can't quite see

we are all encumbered by

our own personal guardian angel

perched on their shoulder

like a raven

keeping us from harm

while advising us

what is right from wrong

did she mean to have a personal devil too

perched on her other shoulder

 the way old cartoons depict

 tempting each of us

with pleasures no Angel can provide

 giving us the option to

 give up eventual salvation

in some remote world for

 pleasures we might enjoy right here on Earth

do we dare risk it

sell our soul so cheap

 give up the promised Land we cannot see

for promises we can feel or taste

salvation and illusion we hope for

 even pray to achieve

 when what we need

we can't achieve on our knees

regardless of the number of angels

 on the top of a pin or on our shoulders

 when there is so much more to offer

on the other side


email to Al Sullivan

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