Monday, August 26, 2024

What’s up Doc? feb 21, 2014


our poet is not talking

at least not to the opposition in the Virgin mayor's town, who have tried to reach out to her figuring if she is mad at the Virgin mayor for firing he, they might be sympathetic to them but no dice

she's not talking to anybody my freeholder friend said

I'm not sure who he means by everybody or anybody but this might include RR since freeholder is also talking to him now

this suggests that someone might have advised her to keep quiet or that she is scared to speak fearing some retribution and hinting again at the idea that someone there is holding something over her head

but it may be simply her slamming the door on a life she can no longer claim one of hers

 Facebook friends complain that she had not posted much in days and she responded that she'd been so busy with “intake “since Tuesday she's had no time

it is impossible to tell from so few words if she is blowing smoke the way she did when boasting about the press conference she claimed to have set up or if she indeed has some new job in public service

she can't feel good about any of it and if she is connected to James her prospects or even more dismal since his stance and politics has been much reduced

our owner and our former temporary boss are both in foul moods but if this is because of her or James I can't say

the poet has closed doors and you have to wonder on who

could these include former temporary boss or perhaps even the owner

if she has decided to move on away from this political game she may no longer see a use for them and may be putting distance between her and everybody associated with this part of the world

she won't let them go completely and yet may not want them as close as they had been in the past or as close as they wish to be

since she has not posted a poem since prior to her firing it is difficult to get a sense of her mood but her to likes on YouTube both deal with eating disorders and suggesting she had a relapse

she may have been lying to RR about what happened to her at work suggesting perhaps distance as well specifically when he has since appeared at a fundraiser for the man who fired her

she has to be angry at the situation my source said she knows she went too far

since she has a history which suggests she doesn't revisit old haunts once she left them the question now is where does she go from here

email to Al Sullivan

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