Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cast out of Eden Feb. 16, 2014


I do not know

What is wrong with him,

Except my best guess

That his misses her

(as we all do

And always will),

Having had his taste

Of something so sweet

We can’t imagine

Life without it,

And yet, somethings

Must come to an end,

No matter how good

They may taste,

And the wasteland

We live in

After having been

Cast from Eden

Seems all the worse

For our needing

To navigate it alone.

I can’t say

What he feels

Is love,

Since I don’t always

Know what love is,

And only get

The echoes of what

I think it might be,

He aching the way

I ached,

When she cast me out

Of the  paradise

Of her life,

I suspect he doesn’t

Even know her,

To understand the pain

She endures,

Which has nothing

To do with either of us,

We look in a mirror

And see what

We want to see,

Not what is

email to Al Sullivan

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