Thursday, August 15, 2024

Joey August 14, 2024




I knew the cat was going to die

Even as I got up to give it

It’s three a.m. feeding

The two-week-old refuge

Abandoned by its mother

As a lost cause,

While I was determined

To save it

Knowing I could not,

Was not good enough

And all I could do

After trying for five days

Is rest its tiny head on my chest

And listen to its whimpers,

Its small head smaller than

The spade of a tea spoon

I petted with my thumb.

I imagined it purring

When I knew it was in pain.

With its eyes still closed,

He never saw me, only

Heard my voice,

Felt my touch,

Caught my scent.

The mother had left

The tiny creature

In our neighbor’s driveway

Where it cried until

The neighbor rescued it

And delivered it to us,

Like a gift from the gods,

As if believing we could save it,

And at first, I thought I could,

Feeding it condensed mill

For the first day

Until the shipment

Of kitten milk arrived,

And though it cried often,

It greedily accepted the food

Via eye dropper,

Though we later realized

It was cold

And put a heat pad

In its carrier

To replace the heat

Of his mother

For those times when

We could not keep him warm

By holding him.

We did not do everything right,

Failing to provide him food

Every two hours,

And the heat pad aggravatingly

Shut off after a half an hour,

Causing him to get cold

During those hours we slept,

He was cold when

I picked him up after work

On that last day,

And I accepted the vigil

Of warming him,

Turning on the oven,

Carrying him wrapped in towels

As I pressed him against my chest,

He no longer wanted food,

A certain sign of him

Imminent demise

Still I held out hope

Staying awake

The whole of the night,

Packing him up

For the trip to the vet

In the morning

Where I learned

His body temperature

Had dropped dangerously low

And though they pumped

Up the heat in his carrier,

He soon passed out

Of our world,

Mouth open as if

To utter one last cry

Only I could hear.

I came home to

The vacancy of my kitchen,

The place that has served

As his sanctuary

And I ached to have

His small body

Curled up in the

Palm of my hand

As it once had,

To feel his soft fur

Against my thumb,

To see his small mouth

Suck the tip of the


The collection of which

Now sat abandoned

On the counter,


This visitor leavings its mark

In me as much in those

Five days, than other cats

Had over decades.

I know I will miss him,

Just as I still miss

Some people who have

Gone out without me.

I know I was

Inadequate to the task,

Aching to save him

When he could not be saved,

Thinking if I had done

This or that differently,

He might have survived,

A notion others dispel

But I know better,

Having failed humans

In similar ways,

With no way to go back

To repair it.

He’s gone,

In every place

Except my heart,

He will remain there



email to Al Sullivan

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