Sunday, August 25, 2024

Mutual orbits aug 20, 2024


this is never what I think it is

 and so I have to stop thinking

 that it is anything at all

 letting the world revolve

 letting life go out into the void

 all these things separate and safe

what I know or think I know

comes from a time and place

when I might know something

 rather than the vacancy

that exists now

 planets in orbits distinctly

divorced from each other

 with no more influence

than the remote gravity

 we feel during those rare alignments

 this orbit bringing that planet

to the same space around the sun

we both must orbit

we glimpse the surface of things

not the content

make judgments based on

what we assume not what is

wanting things to be

what we fantasize

like those old visions

 people once had of life

 on other planets

 a reality that does not pan out

once we land on the surface

email to Al Sullivan

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